Absolute Teamsport is a subsidiary of the company Asport I & W S.à.r.l.
The website is published by or under the responsibility of Asport I & W, a simplified limited liability company (S.à r.l.-S), whose RCS number is B101921 and Intracom VAT number is LU15337427.
The publication and sales manager, Raphaël Lentzen, managing director of Asport I & W S.à.r.l , can be reached by post, e-mail or telephone, via these contact details
The website is hosted by EuroDNS S.A
Luc Seufer
24, rue Léon laval
L-3372 Leudelange
The purpose of this charter is to provide you with clear information on the processing of personal data (what type of data, for what purpose, who processes it and where, for how long, what are your rights) in accordance with European regulations on the protection of personal data, including the use of cookies.
Personal data is any data relating to an identified or identifiable individual.
The notion of processing refers to any operation carried out on personal data (collection, recording, storage, consultation, communication, etc.).
Use of this site implies that you have read the present charter.
A pop-up warning is automatically displayed on the first visit to a page of the site, as well as on subsequent visits, unless you have clicked on the button in the pop-up confirming that you no longer wish to see this warning. This pop-up indicates the existence on this site of general conditions of use, a privacy policy and the use of cookies.
All these rules are accepted if you continue by consulting other pages of the website or interact with it (click, text entry…).
If you do not agree with any of these conditions, you must stop using this website yourself.
Identity of the person responsible for processing personal data (also referred to as the “Publisher” in the remainder of this Charter): see contact details
Personal data is stored by the data controller, as well as by the web host (see contact details above) and certain subcontractors who provide us with a service in connection with our business (current list: CleverReach, CloudStock, Google, Facebook).
In the event of our company being acquired by or merged with another, your information may be automatically transferred to the new acquirers if they take over the same activities.
We collect and process personal data: first and last name, postal and e-mail address, telephone number, IP address, browsing data, pages viewed, preferences, areas of interest and previous choices made, login and password for your member account, order history, any payment and delivery incidents, retractions and complaints.
We do not sell your personal information to private companies. We may provide consolidated statistics relating to our customers, our sales, or the structure of our exchanges to third-party companies, but these statistics will never contain any data enabling you to be directly identified.
You are informed that certain personal data, to the extent necessary, may be disclosed in application of a law, regulation or by virtue of a decision by a competent regulatory or judicial authority or, if necessary, for the purposes of preserving our rights and interests, in particular in the event that we consider that you have violated our general terms and conditions (payment or invoicing dispute, intellectual property rights dispute, etc.).
Here is further information on the methods and purposes of such collection:
A) Data collected Automatically during consultation
The process of consulting a website involves the exchange of data between your Internet connection terminal (your computer / smartphone / tablet and your web browser) and the web servers it consults. This exchange takes place automatically. Certain information is likely to identify you directly or by cross-referencing, and therefore constitutes personal data as defined by current regulations. This includes, in particular, your IP address (identification number assigned to your computer on the Internet. This number may be fixed or dynamic, depending on your type of Internet subscription), location information provided by the network and/or Internet connection terminal, and certain technical data communicated by this terminal. Certain properties of the hardware and software used are also transmitted. The data we receive does not, however, enable us to draw any conclusions about your identity.
Purpose and duration of storage:
We undertake not to use this data to identify you for commercial purposes, nor to pass it on to subcontractors for such purposes, unless you have given us your explicit consent. We may, however, process this data for legitimate anti-fraud purposes, for a maximum period of 1 year.
B) Cookies
We are particularly attentive to meeting your expectations. This is why our website uses a technical process known as ‘cookies’ to record information about your browsing habits and preferences, to manage your shopping cart, and to personalize our offer and advertising communications.
You are informed of the existence of these cookies by the present charter and by the information pop-up.
A cookie is a text file that may be stored on the hard disk of your Internet access terminal (computer, smartphone, etc.), in the directory linked to the web browser or operating system used, when you visit websites. Cookies do not damage your terminal or affect its operation in any way. They do not contain any information that would make it possible to contact you by telephone, e-mail or post.
For more information about cookies, please visit
There are different types of cookies. On our site, 3 different purposes are pursued:
Please note that we make no attempt to identify visitors to our sites through these cookies. However, we may process this data for legitimate anti-fraud purposes, for a maximum period of 1 year.
C) Data from electronic newsletter registration forms.
A form allows you to register (with your consent) to receive the electronic newsletter published by the site.
The only personal data required to obtain this service is the e-mail address. This field is marked with an asterisk. Other personal data may be provided on an optional basis.
Further information on the electronic newsletter is provided in a specific article of this Charter.
D) Order form data
To place an order, a form must be completed.
Mandatory data :
Optional information:
Other personal information may be requested, to offer you additional services or to get to know you better.
E) “Member account” data
Users registered on the site (members) can access it by logging in using their identification details (e-mail address and password), the identification cookie, or by using systems such as third-party social networking connection buttons.
The user is entirely responsible for protecting the password he/she has chosen. Users are encouraged to use complex passwords that are different from those used on other websites. If you forget your password, you can generate a new one. This password guarantees the confidentiality of the information contained in the “my account” section, and the user is therefore prohibited from passing it on or communicating it to a third party. Users are requested to inform the Publisher immediately of any unauthorized use of their account, and of any risk of which they have been informed that a third party may have become aware of their password. In the absence of these commitments, the Site Editor cannot be held responsible for unauthorized access to a user’s account.
In addition to order management, the creation of a “member account” enables the customer to consult the history of orders made on the site. Should the data contained in the “member account” section be lost as a result of a technical failure or force majeure, the site and its publisher cannot be held liable, as this information has no probative value and is for information purposes only. Member account pages are freely printable by the holder of the account in question, but in no way constitute proof: they are for information purposes only, to ensure efficient management of the member’s orders.
The Publisher reserves the exclusive right to delete the account (or access thereto) of any member who has contravened the general terms and conditions of use or the general terms and conditions of sale (in particular, but without this example being exhaustive, where the member has knowingly provided incorrect information when registering and setting up his or her personal space). Any account that has been inactive for at least 2 years will be deleted. Such deletion shall not constitute a loss for the excluded member, who shall not be entitled to claim any compensation as a result. Such exclusion does not preclude the Editor from taking legal action against the member, where justified by the facts.
Each user is free to close his/her member space (account) on the site. To do so, the member must send an e-mail to the Editor indicating that he wishes to delete his account. No data recovery will then be possible.
F) Data linked to the use of social networks
Your use of social networks may lead to data processing and cross-referencing with us. We invite you to familiarize yourself in detail with the information collected and which may be transferred by consulting the “personal data” charter of these networks. We also invite you to adapt the settings for managing these uses and controlling the distribution of advertising in the online interface provided by these networks.
The data we receive from these social networks does not allow us to know your identity. It is used to refine our advertising and, more generally, our commercial relationship with you (for example, by providing you with personalized information), based on the profile and areas of interest you have communicated to these networks and the interactions you have carried out using them.
We cannot be responsible for the use that these social networks make of your data.
By interacting with the social network buttons you find on our site (e.g. “Like”) without first logging out of these networks, these networks are informed, may record and process this interaction and may generate a publication on your personal profile on these networks (depending on the settings you have configured).
The above-mentioned processing operations are therefore based on the need to fulfil our legal or contractual obligations, on our legitimate interests (as described above), or on your specific consent (depending on the purpose).
You may at any time:
You can exercise these rights at any time, free of charge, by contacting the publication manager. This request must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document bearing your signature and the address to which the reply should be sent. This photocopy will be immediately destroyed after verification of these 2 elements.
We will acknowledge receipt within a maximum of 8 working days, and will endeavor to do what is necessary within 30 calendar days. However, if we encounter any particular difficulty in meeting this deadline, we will notify you as soon as we have identified the problem.
Electronic newsletters are sent out at a maximum rate of 2 per month. The content is related to the site’s services (news, promotional offers, etc.), as well as, optionally, to the services of commercial partners.
We may also send you e-mail alerts to inform you of new features of interest to you, or of the re-availability of a product.
You are subscribed to these newsletters and alerts if :
Please note that we do not sell or rent your e-mail address to third parties for marketing or advertising purposes.
We implement technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data, in proportion to the risk and potential consequences, so that it is not disclosed, altered, lost or destroyed. Our forms for collecting personal and banking data are set up on secure web pages (https:// format, secured via SSL technology – Secure Socket Layer).
With regard to storage, we pay particular attention to the confidentiality of your account password. However, we recommend that you use a complex password specifically for our site, so that in the event of a successful attempt by a malicious person to phish (impersonate our site, by e-mail, telephone or other means) or intercept data on the Internet, it will not be possible to access other services for which you have registered using this password.
In accordance with regulations, we undertake to notify you by e-mail if, despite the measures taken, we have encountered an incident (loss, leakage of personal data) likely to present a high risk to you (e.g. identity theft).
You are informed that your data may be disclosed in application of a law, regulation or by virtue of a decision by a competent regulatory or judicial authority or, if necessary, for the purposes of preserving the Publisher’s rights and interests.
If you feel that your personal data has not been treated with the care you expect, please let us know. We will try to find a solution that will better meet your expectations in the future. If we are unable to find a solution that suits you, or if you feel that the relevant Belgian regulations have not been respected, you can lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority. However, this does not prevent you from also taking legal action before the Courts and Tribunals in order to obtain compensation for the damage you feel you have suffered.
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